Meet Mohammed Alturki, the eclectic 29-year-old Kuwaiti self-taught, self-made designer and creative director. Owner and creative director of his website and blog, Mohammed, unknown to himself and to others, started his journey into the world of digital art in 1998. He describes this start as completely “coincidental”. The simple task of manipulating a photograph required the use of Photoshop, and once plunged into the infinite possibilities one could create with a simple program, he was absolutely hooked!
Refusing to look at the digital world as anything but an art form, Mohammed strives to show the world that digital design is an undermined field, “People are willing to pay so much for paintings, or any traditional art media, yet the craft of a creative digital artist is highly under-estimated. A digital artist has the power to convey a message using a very simplistic idea, or item. Inspiration is whimsical and coincidental.”
Being a completely self-taught designer, his blog serves the purpose of a diary that reflects the experiments of a fascinated soul, exploring a variety of subjects and techniques. On any given day, Mohammed could take photographs of a variety of random objects to create a story, and then he would create the tutorial to teach his fans how he accomplished his desired masterpiece. On another given day, he decides to experiment with creating a print or logo for a client. His options are unlimited, and he won’t stop until he gets it right.
On the side note of “getting it right”, the story behind the name ‘xiv designs’ is one of an embarrassed student at his college graduation. When confronted with giving a speech in front of at least two thousand people, he struggled to pronounce the Roman numerals in “Louis XIV” as Louis the fourteenth, yet he kept trying in front of the laughing masses until he finally succeeded. Perhaps his patience and perseverance, both innate traits, separate this artist from others, where he believes that talent alone is never enough and that practice makes perfect, strongly claiming that “You have to learn how to master your work, and become your own pilot.” Documenting his work on his blog has opened up many doors for Mohammed as he is now a teacher and mentor. He has posted many tutorials for amateur artists who share his wonder and fascination with the digital arts, and creates several organized teaching lessons.
Mohammed likes to vary his works, where his designs could easily be interpreted as personal reflections created to inspire others to think outside of the box for he is never afraid to experiment. At the same time, the quality of his work has attracted the eyes of many local bloggers and companies alike looking for new designs that capture their progressive thoughts. After his first hand experience of a realm of infinite possibilities, he would like others to follow suit to pursue their passions. Today he continues to creatively collaborate with a community of digital artists in effort to create awareness and events that would bridge the gap between the local community and fellow aspiring digital artists.
How would your mother describe you in one word?
How would you describe your mother in one word?
What is the most insane question you’ve ever been asked?
A friend asked me if I could kill a shark while diving.
What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
Jumping from a speeding boat.
What word in the English or Arabic language do you wish you had invented?
Where would you like to live? / What is your dream retirement location?
Malibu Beach.
What is the first famous quote that comes to your mind?
Quote by the Prophet Mohammed, “seek education, even in china.”
What animal best describes the kind of partner you’d be interested in?
What do you miss about your childhood?
My deep attachment with my RC cars.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Turki (same as my family name).
How would you describe your handshake in one word?
What is the toughest part of your character?
My hatred towards commotion
Who is your favorite historical figure?
Albert Einstein.
What in the world do you least desire?
What do you think is lacking in the world, which would make the world a better place?
Why do you think most girls/guys like you?
Committed /Helpful.
Finish this sentence: “Happiness is a thing called…”