Traveling around Kuwait, you may have seen the occasional fridge on the edge of a road, and wondered what these are for. It’s to distribute free food stuffs for those in need. Now a new initiative is taking place to ensure that these fridges are clean and stocked and regularly taken care of. Follow the Instagram account @fridgesofKuwait and click on the link in their bio to discover where the fridge closest to you is located!
You can fill the fridge with home-made items, just please make sure to date them, and if you see old food when you donate your food items, please throw these out. The initiative suggests placing items like; water, cold cuts, dairy products, bread, ready-made sandwiches, canned goods, sweets and more! Imagine, if you were in need, what would you be grateful to discover in one of these fridges.
@FridgesofKuwait on Instagram