Everyone and their grandmother think that they’re social media wizards. But, everyone and their grandmother are wrong. It seems simple. Take a picture, post it. Think of a witty thing to say, tweet it. Have a new product, update your Facebook status.
This works great with personal accounts. But businesses need to plan ahead, have a content strategy and provide content that people are interested in to help meet business goals. There can be a lot of trial and error which translates into lost revenue, opportunities and most importantly, time that could be better spent elsewhere.
Businesses, entrepreneurs and even influencers with huge numbers of followers definitely need the right people to manage their digital presence. If that is you, Adzcom is your perfect partner. They don’t just run campaigns, post for you or create a fancy grid on Instagram. They listen to you, figure out your business model, then come up with a comprehensive plan based on strategic short and long-term goals. Then they execute that plan, constantly monitoring performance so they can adjust and change when need be. They know how to find and reach your audience. Then provide the content that keeps them engaged and following.

The Adzcom Team. Image courtesy of Adzcom
Hiring an agency might seem like a scary step or might seem financially foreboding. Adzcom understands that, and instead works around your given budget and to provide you with a plan that suits your needs.
The agency can handle everything like research, content creation, design, photography and even videography. The alternative would be hiring an entire team or having to deal with a dozen freelancers. Outsourcing the service is a no-brainer, it is more efficient and cost-effective for any business, not to mention headache free. That’s not all, value added services like branding and providing branded items like aprons, business cards and more can also be a hassle to manage and Adzcom can do all of that for you.
The food and entertainment industries need the kind of support Adzcom can provide. The competition is tough and there are thousands of restaurants in Kuwait (over 100,000, last time we checked), and you really need to be on your A-game to stand out. Food photography alone can be tricky. You need a photographer, food stylist and maybe even props that can transform a boring salad into a spectacular explosion of color. We haven’t even touched on copywriting or communicating with customers. It is a huge workload that can overwhelm anyone and better left to the pros.
Adzcom are not a newcomer to the market, they are an offshoot of Mawaqaa, the leading web solution provider since 2016. But with the growing digital marketing world Mawaqaa wanted to start an agency that was more specialized. Adzcom was born, agile and focused on providing the best service for you.
Adzcom is located Crystal Tower, to book an appointment call 2297 0340 / 41. Visit their website or follow them on Instagram @adzcom_ for their latest updates.
Featured image courtesy of Adzcom.