Considered one of Kuwait’s most loved bloggeristas, Ansam Al Radwan has managed to turn her blog, Ansam518, into a successful household name simply by pursuing her many passions and staying true to her identity. Using her blog as her getaway from the daily rituals of life, Ansam518 is a haven of random yet insightful vignettes. Writing about her travels, cooking, photography, arts and her many more ‘random’ likes, she has been approached by many marketing agencies to manage her blog into a successful business venture. However, keeping her touch in her work is a continuous priority for this centered lady, as Ansam decided against the notion of having her ‘randomness’ controlled in any way.
Do not be fooled by her randomness, for this bloggerista has bravely deviated away from the constructs of modern employment to purse randomness full time! Now the owner, manager and creative director of her existence, Ansam is considered by most as a creative and social media marketing enthusiast turned consultant, a modern day revelation to say the least. “Social media is still a new baby in the Kuwait market, and we have to work around it to make it fit into our society.” She explains, “Turning this field into a full time source of employment for me will take some time, yet it is already happening slowly.” Already popular amongst the thriving blogosphere, ‘Ansam518’ is now a targeted online space for many business owners in Kuwait.
“I’m sort of a muse.” She confidently remarks, and never in a condescending manner, as she explains her intense and passionate affair with the creative world. A master at multi-tasking, she has successfully incorporated the 518 touch in various arenas: “With cooking, for instance, I was fortunate enough to create my own flavors of icy yoghurt at Napket and I have been featured on Al Watan TV. I love to give people ideas, encourage creative minds, and take part in instigating a positive change in my community.” Amongst her many endeavors, Ansam is also the project manager for the youth initiative, The Protégés, and is involved in various projects that include food, health and the environment. Like her thoughts, her aspirations are random in nature yet never out of reach, she wishes to own her own restaurant someday, travel the world, and publish her work.
Celebrating four years of happy blogging, Ansam looks positively towards the future and hopes to manage a team of like-minded creative individuals interested in the social media field. “It’s scary to do it at first, yet I have an incredibly supportive family, and I’m very excited about what the future could bring.” Another random tid-bit about this special lady, the series of numbers ‘518’, which is now synonymous with her household brand name, stands for the 18th of May. No devious mystery there, the date simply stands for Ansam’s birthday- just another wonderful and random fact about a more wonderful Ansam.
How would your mother describe you in one word?
The Torch.
How would you describe your mother in one word?
What is the most insane question you’ve ever been asked?
While in the States, I was introduced to this lady who lived in the same apartment complex, as we were talking she pointed at my watch and asked, “Do you have those in Kuwait? Do you know how to use’em?”
What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
On Halloween night back in college, my friends and I got a Ouija Board and snuck into a cemetery to play with it there – without thinking we lit some candles and before we even started the security guard approached us shouting from the top of his head… we quickly gathered everything and started running but we got caught and left with a warning!
What word in the English or Arabic language do you wish you had invented?
Where would you like to live? / What is your dream retirement location?
That’s a tough one! I like to follow my mood! Example? An exotic beach with not too many people around, feeling relaxed and all, but also not that far from the city where everything is moving fast fast fast with so many people around! Is there such place as the one I’ve just described?
What is the first famous quote that comes to your mind?
”Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” – Oscar Wilde.
What animal best describes the kind of partner you’d be interested in?
Cheetah: focused, powerful, protective, and attractive with great sight too!
What do you miss about your childhood?
Spontaneous laughter! I still do that – but cautiously.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Tough one! My name kind of grew on me 😉
How would you describe your handshake in one word?
What is the toughest part of your character?
Who is your favorite historical figure?
Leonardo da Vinci – he was a polymath, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, writer… and Italian too!!
What in the world do you least desire?
What do you think is lacking in the world, which would make the world a better place?
Common sense!
Why do you think most girls/guys like you?
I can’t speak for them.
Finish this sentence: “Happiness is a thing called…”
For sampling the ‘518’ touch, visit Ansam’s blog at For Ansam’s cooking explorations, follow @Ansam518 on Facebook and Twitter.