We all know what an important role art plays in holding up our communities. And in times of crisis, art can be crucial for rebuilding and recuperating. LOYAC’s Art and Performance Academy (LAPA) aims to do just that with its first Virtual Art Fundraising Exhibition supporting the Rise Up Beirut campaign.
From August 22 to September 5, LAPA will hosting a virtual exhibition at the handle @RiseUpBeirut_Art on Instagram and Facebook.
The exhibition, which aims to send a message of love and peace to reinforces the role of art in building communities in a time marked by destruction, will include all types of artwork by artists from Kuwait, Lebanon, and countries from the Arab and international communities.
The proceeds of this exhibition will go to support the “Rise Up Beirut” campaign launched by LOYAC to renovate the homes of those affected by the tragic explosion of Beirut Port and to support their living needs.
For more information about the fundraiser, follow @riseupbeirut_art on Instagram and Facebook and @lapaloyac.