Almost every true car aficionado has a dream car (or three) that they would love to own. And it is probably going to be über expensive, rare, vintage, classic or just has immense sentimental value. What do you do when the stars align and you finally manage to own one? Parking it in the outdoors is not even a question you can ask yourself. While Kuwait is home to some of the world’s most amazing and priceless cars the harsh climate will definitely take a toll on them.
Summers are extremely hot and anyone who has parked their car outside in July knows that it is just not something you do. It is even worse if the seats are made of leather, doubly so if they are black. Even if you can’t see the damage immediately, you know that it is just not good for the interiors.
Sandstorms are another death sentence to your car’s paint job, slowly sloughing away that beautiful metallic color that you so painstakingly chose. But your true nemesis is humidity. You might think you can protect your car by covering it, but moisture will get into the engine and decay becomes inevitable.

Most of us may be lucky enough to have room for our main car in the building or home garage, but where do you park your most coveted prized possession if you don’t? What you really need is a private place where you can park your car in a climate controlled and highly-secure space for either the short or long-term. Curated, is the answer.
In an undisclosed location in Kuwait city for security purposes, the facility is a haven for a car that needs protection from the elements as well as prying eyes. A month is the shortest package solution that they offer, and they also provide up to an annual option, which includes a monthly car washing service.

We spoke to General Manager Ahmad Al Qanaie, who told us that Curated can house more than 100 cars and there are at least 10 people on site at all times for security. Curated is two levels underground and has both an air filtration and an A/C system that keeps cars safe from dust and heat. For optimum security, 16 CCTV cameras scan the space constantly. Owners are given their own special cards so they can access their cars whenever they want.
While most of Curated’s clients entrust them with their cars, the space is equipped to handle any wheeled vehicle, so there are a few motorbikes too. With so many amazing cars we asked Al Qanaie what his favorite one was. “We are honored to give a 1967 Mercedez Benz in Pastelle Blue a home, which is perhaps the rarest one, while my personal favorite is a long-hooded G-nose Datsun 240 Z”. But when we asked him what his dream car is, he didn’t even think about it for a second, “A 1972 Porsche Carrera RSR”. He went on to explain that it is a fully analog car with a manual gear shift and old-school buttons. The car has no new-fangled technology built into it and is pure Porsche precision and engineering.

Al Qanaie is passionate about cars; what they represent in terms of feats of design as well as driving them. He is a gentleman racer and has taken part in the Bahrain Grand Prix as well as co-founded the Porsche Owners’ Club, so that people who share a love of Porsches can connect.
Curated is more than just a parking space for your car. It is the birthplace of a community, founded and managed by people who truly appreciate cars.
If you want to find out how to reserve your spot call 5521 3213. Find Curated on Instagram @curatedkwt for a sneak peek into their world of stunning cars. Featured image courtesy of Curated.