Summer is almost, emphasis on almost, finished! After taking a few weeks off, we wanted to recap what we’ve managed to achieve during that
Umika Pidaparthy (Online Producer)
Summer Achievement: Planned a US trip and managed to meet friends I hadn’t seen in almost ten years! Also reorganized all the drawers in my kitchen!
Next Up: Looking forward to Kuwait’s social scene picking up in September with concerts and events! And to keep up with my reorganization agenda. 🙂
Yasmin Gamal (Mixed Media Content)
Summer Achievement: I have a love/hate relationship with summer. So, not absolutely hating every minute of it was a huge achievement on my part.
Next Up: After a lot of summer soul-searching by the beach I realized that an armchair would bring joy into my life. But you can’t really buy an armchair without redecorating right? So I might be doing just that for the next few months.
Jennifer Cádiz (Mixed Media Solutions)
Summer Achievement: Got some good tan lines which are already fading, pffft! Also, I managed to catch up with old friends, and make new ones while entertaining my Instagram followers on what single, dating app life can be like in Kuwait.
Next Up: Trying to fit in daily swimming, Orangetheory HIIT sessions and Kuwait Pilot Gig rowing all in training for The Great River Race 2019 in London on Saturday 14th September.
Hallah Danbouh (Mixed Media Content)
Summer Achievement: Travelled to new destinations and tried surfing in freezing waters! Grew my vinyl collection, and I let my no-beef policy be broken by the best and yummiest Arrayes (Middle Eastern Pitta bread triangles filled with spiced meat- a classic dish!), only because I haven’t eaten red meat in over a year!
Next Up: After moving back to Kuwait last year, I have yet to unpack and reorganize my room. If September comes and goes without me doing that, then, by all means, start shaming me.
Ahmed Alashab (Graphic Designer)
Summer Achievement: I finally went back to Egypt after seven years of not visiting! Saw my family and my favorite human in the world, my niece who’s twelve now. Went to the North Coast (Sa7el) and never seen the water in this color in my life, so that was mind blowing! I stayed a whole month and roamed the streets of Cairo, had a blast and can’t wait till I go back.
Next Up: Looking forward to continuing the journey of exploring different ways and means of developing my designs as well as my music! The journey continues.
Follow @bazaargram on Instagram for our monthly hitlist. Images courtesy of Unsplash.