Abdulhadi Lost 33 KG, and you can do it too!
As many of us know, the battle to lose weight is never an easy one, filled with plenty of obstacles to overcome and endure. This was the case with Abdulhadi, the 14-year-old youth who has been suffering from obesity since the age of 13.
Deciding one day to start taking control of his life and health, and with the support of both his parents and Lofat Juniors, he was able to shed an astounding 33 kg in less than a year! In doing so, Abdulhadi is an inspiration to both teenagers and adults alike, and he was kind enough to share his story with us to motivate you to cut out those unhealthy eating habits!
When did you become unhappy with your weight?
Since my childhood, but at the age of 13 I decided to make a change.
What made you decide to lose weight?
I felt that my shape and body did not match my age. This actually affected my self-confidence, especially when I used to go shopping; it was really difficult to find clothes that fit my body. So I finally decided to change myself and start a new journey.
What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
Changing the quality of the food I ate and reducing the portion size.
What was most challenging about losing weight?
I didn’t face any obstacles during my journey with Lofat Juniors because I have strong willpower and a true desire to reduce my weight.
Why did you choose Lofat?
People that I knew recommended Lofat Juniors due to its great taste in food and quality. That was a motive for me to try out their products, which are also conveniently found in supermarket fridges. So when I tasted their food, I was surprised because as we all know, low calorie foods are often tasteless and do not have any flavor, but with Lofat it was totally different. Also, Lofat Group was the first diet company that introduced the juniors program which is suitable for children aged between 6 and 16 years old. So I called them up and booked my first appointment.
How long did it take you to start to see results?
I started observing a difference after 4-5 months.
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
It took around a year.
How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?
I started maintaining my current weight right after I joined Lofat Juniors through exercise and being committed to the meals.
How did Lofat help you reach your weight loss goals?
Through weekly follow-up consultations with my dietitian ‘Alaa Al Safei’, she encouraged and motivated me during the program by advising me on what to do which helped me lose weight in a healthy and safe manner.
How would you describe your health condition before you started your weight loss journey?
I used to get tired from exercises like walking and climbing up the stairs.
What motivated you to make a change? What keeps you motivated?
My parents were the main influence by being supportive, and also my gratitude to the Lofat staff helped me reach my goal.
Do you mind if we ask how much you have lost?
Not at all, I lost 33 kilograms since I first joined last year.
How have you done it? What’s your secret?
By being patient and having strong willpower, being motivated by my dietitian ‘Alaa’, and by exercising.
How is your health after losing the weight?
I feel light and fit, as I don’t feel tired anymore from exercising.
Has your weight loss improved other areas of your life?
I gained my self-confidence and felt I can live my life according to my age and practice any activity without feeling shy or tired.
Did you ever think you’d be where you are today?
I never thought I would reach this weight and shape ever in my life.
What are your future goals?
To continue on the same path and reach my ideal body weight.
Do you have any advice for others who would like to lose weight?
Willpower, patience, and hard work are the keys towards reaching an ideal weight. I advise everyone to join Lofat and you will feel the difference with your body. Good luck everyone!
To get started, visit www.thelofat.com, or call 2225 0650.