Every four years something unique happens. Depending on what year it is, you might think first of the World Cup, maybe the Olympic Games, depending on your sporting interests (or nationality!). But every four years is also a leap year. That extra day in February is there to stop time drifting and screwing up the seasons, so it’s probably more important than kicking a ball into a net or running really, really fast.
Rather than 2012 being about displays of athletic prowess, 26 year old Egyptian/American Victor Saad wants it to be about showing the power of human determination – what can be achieved when we set our mind to something. This is the nucleus of The Leapyear Project.
Whilst developing his MBA on Social Change in Chicago, where he conversed with hundreds of people, Victor kept coming across similarities – everybody has ideas and aspirations of doing or creating something that could change their lives, their family, the industry or even the world. It seems deep down we all want to do something. He sadly also discovered that most people find themselves unable to do so because of differing constraints such as social, economic, geographic or emotional barriers.
In the inspirational short film on The Leapyear Project website we are told that a leap is a jump to a great height, with great force – so in 2012 Victor Saad wants people to take a leap, to jump, to see problems and create solutions, then share stories, photos, videos online using lyproject as a tag.
In February, Victor raised some money to take a leap. He wanted to know if this project could inspire people in the Middle East amidst the array of turmoil taking place. He flew to Egypt with a videographer in search of groups of people that were trying to invest in society to create a better future for Egypt. They stumbled on Wellspring Egypt and loved everything about their mission. They’re dedicated to helping youth, families, and teachers in the Egyptian community live from the inside out through character-based learning programs. His goal is to create a small community of ‘leapers’ in the Middle East, who share stories of what they are doing to change the world. He believes if people have a platform to share such stories it will inspire everybody else.
So if you’re interested in making the world a better place this is what Victor suggests:
During 2012, take a risk (AKA: Leap). Make something in your life, community, or world better.
Step 1: Choose your Leap at:
Step 2: Tell stories online. Using Cowbird.com and your favorite social media sites, you can share photos, videos, and updates about your project. Simply use the tag lyproject and everyone will be able to see it, too. Share personal heartfelt stories about the reason for your leap, the people you’re meeting and the things you are learning.
Step 3: Inspire the world. The more you share, the more you’ll inspire others to join. Also, they’ll be curating the stories into a book and art exhibition in 2013 that will set the stage for The Leapyear Project to happen every 4 years (Social Good Olympics).
To get involved visit: www.leapyearproject.org.