For fans of moutabal and kibbeh nayeh living in Kuwait, the dining choices for Lebanese cuisine are plenty. Your choices range from tiny fastfood-like shops to high-end luxury experiences with decorative, unnecessary cutlery and prices to match. In every price range you will find restaurants that shine and some that disappoint. What separates the exceptional from the mediocre? What turns a dining back-up plan into the main event? The answer is more than the food alone; it is a sum of all the parts: ambiance, service, quality of the food, the view through the windows and, yes, even the restroom. Sanawbar has carefully calculated all these factors and more; the result is positively admirable. By the time you leave Sanawbar we are sure that all of your senses will have been expertly entertained, your cravings satisfied and your pocketbook thankfully unharmed.
Sanawbar is located at the Salmiya seaside on Belajat Street (Gulf Road) near to the Al Bida’a roundabout. For reservations and delivery, please call 2572 6405. Follow them on Instagram for updates @Alsanawbarkw.