By Hamad Al Khudher
Talking Greene is a series of discussions centered on the idea of sustainability in Kuwait, the group leading this movement, and locating tools to assist the general public in making wiser decisions. As a business owner in the same industry, I believe it is my responsibility to promote local organizations and individuals working to change the way we shop for goods and to increase environmental consciousness both domestically and abroad.
In our first interview, we got to know more about Hussain Jassim, the founder of The Sanity Store. A graduate with a degree in Accounting and Masters in Business Management, he worked in the corporate industry for about 12 years before taking the risk to follow his passion and start his new business, The Sanity Store, in 2019.

Could you elaborate more about the idea behind your brand The Sanity Store?
Hussain: I would easily describe The Sanity Store as a one stop destination for all consumers or people that need guidance in regard to sustainability or sustainable lifestyle; how to start being more sustainable and where to start, what kind of things do they need to know. This doesn’t not only focus on products’ wise, but also services. Hence, we provide consultation services for companies, as well as one-on-one sessions, Training course and workshops for people. For example, we suggest to our customers on what kind of switches they need to do in their lifestyle toward reducing their carbon footprint and living a waste free lifestyle. Such sessions and consultancy can be catered based on each individual and what they’re facing in a way. We help raise awareness as part of our social responsibility and then we’ll provide the products that can help these consumers to slowly shift their mindset and behaviors from standard living towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Has being sustainable and environmentally aware always been a passion for you or was it something that you recently came into ?
Hussain: I think that started around six to seven years ago. I was always aware of what I need to get in my life vs what I want. With my love for travel and creating content, that helped trigger my thoughts and inspire a part of me to try new methods,habits and practices when exploring different cultures and markets and how they are living more consciously and aware of the products we consume on a daily basis. You also get to see their waste management system and how they recycle their products. Most, if not all of these products, are all made from natural ingredients that were locally sourced from their regions. Seeing their way of living helped me understand more about caring for the environment and consciously more aware of my role as a human to learn and educate those around me.
With regards to your eco-friendly products, did you face any struggle in gathering information about them in the early stages?
Hussain: Researching was hard to do sometimes as you don’t happen to find what you need always, which was when I started around five years ago. I had to do research by reading different websites, articles, interviews, documentaries, YouTube, for example, watching interviews and other experiences whenever possible. The exposure to such environmentally friendly products was very little and targeted a niche market. When I started I had few options to choose from; but now the industry has grown exponentially is mind opening. So when I started I was always trying to find out what kind of alternative products that can be used, But we didn’t have many options here in Kuwait due to lack of exposure, awareness and government involvement . This made me realize the big gap that exists in Kuwait market and pushed me to go ahead and start Sanity.
Since you started The Sanity Store, do you think you were able to enhance people’s awareness about sustainability and are you seeing that the industry itself is growing slowly in Kuwait?
Hussain: 100%. I can’t say it’s the same as when I started five years ago. However, every year there’s an improvement not only by individuals and people showing interest in this sort of lifestyle, but also by new businesses coming into the picture. Most new businesses are focused on sustainability practices in their work toward becoming more sustainable products and packaging. This could be done when they are using sustainable packaging, being ethical business or even using natural ingredients and being transparent with your consumers. Using natural ingredients helps to avoid any health problems some have faced in their life due to toxic products that are filled with harmful chemicals. I still do see that we are still the minority nowadays in Kuwait. This is due to lack of awareness with many people, or the idea of just thinking that environmentally conscious means recycling only, when it actually goes much bigger and beyond that idea.
I do hope it will grow bigger in the near future. By raising awareness, having these open conversations with our friends and families to educate each other about our impact, roles and responsibilities toward a more sustainable lifestyle and greener future.

How can the local government better support sustainable businesses?
Hussain: I don’t think we have enough support from the government. I speak on behalf of not only me, but so many other sustainable businesses in Kuwait, that we’re facing the same difficulties because we are promoting a sustainable lifestyle, raising awareness, beach cleanups campaigns, voluntary works in addition to providing products and services to the market. But it will have a much bigger impact if these initiatives were supported by governments by creating the right policies, rules, controls, measures on the government institute. Cooperation and industries to focus on how we become a sustainable country, reduce our carbon footprints to become part of the solution. Applying sustainable practices across the country is much easier if it comes from higher governmental authorities when they try to influence the people locally to lead by example and do cultural change. Such governments in Europe, for example, do their best to encourage people to recycle, raise environmental awareness, and set new rules and regulations on big companies to follow for a greener and better future.
As you mentioned before that you started in 2019 online and you have recently opened your first store, do you have any other future goals in mind for sanity?
Hussain: You can consider sanity as the pillars that we started with and now we have to continue the building. A goal of mine is to be able to see local sustainable supermarkets with all your essentials from natural products, locally produced products, handmade products and everything that helps building this sustainable community under one roof. Creating more sustainable events, activities, workshops and campaigns for kids, youth & students because they will be the future. Having opened the first sustainable physical store is a huge achievement and hopefully it will grow to become something much bigger. Hopefully that will also encourage more people to start their own sustainable brands, spreading awareness for their audience and having open discussions about sustainability among their friends. This might sound little but it has a huge impact because it will widen their thoughts and make them question the lifestyle that we are being forced to live in and try to break through that.

For more information about The Sanity Store, follow @TheSanityStore on Instagram, visit the website or the physical store at Wejha Center, Pearl Marzouq in Salmiya.