Yoga is about feeling, not doing. Which is why the Jaman sisters wanted to create a space in Kuwait that made you feel better-b

The soft-opening was a beautiful affair. Kuwait’s yogis, teachers, and friends of the Tru3 Yoga family showed up . It was like a huge group hug, welcoming you to the studio. Our immediate feelings towards the space were of calm, change and transformation. But more importantly, we felt like we belonged.
How you feel when you step on your mat matters more than being able to touch your toes. What sensations do you feel in your body? Where is the tension? What type of emotions are flowing through you? Are you being patient with yourself? Are you being kind? Are you getting frustrated? How are you talking to yourself during your challenging moments?
Yoga is meant to help you release physical and emotional tension as you practice. The purpose of the physical practice is to bring awareness to what is happening to you internally. The goal of yoga is to help you connect the mind, body
Tru3 Yoga want you to simply be YOU. Showing up for yourself, loving yourself fully. Taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It’s arriving fully as yourself at all times. Letting go of any attachments, judgements or conditioning that may block you from achieving that.

Tru3 Yoga is more than just classes. It is a community space with several designated areas for just chilling, reading and “being”. The essential oil collection on offer ensures that you can stay in zen mode even after you leave.

But that said, the class lineup has been carefully planned and curated so everyone will find a perfect fit for them. And the team of teachers are experienced, certified and know how to help you achieve your goals
Morning Flow Start your day off with this slow but energizing yoga practice that includes gentle asana and pranayama. This class begins with time to set an intention for your day and ends with space for you to meditate and welcome peace and joy into your day.
Classical Yoga This class will bring you back to the heart of yoga, just the sounds of your breath to guide your practice. You will experience classical Surya Namaskar A & B, traditional yoga asana held for 5 to 10 breaths, mudras, mantras and meditation. *Great choice for beginners or if you are looking for a simple yoga practice for the day.
Hump Day Float & Soar It’s Wednesday and you have one more day until the weekend! If you’re dragging tail, or just need some motivation to power through the rest of the week, then join them on hump day for energy boosting asanas, pranayama and moving meditations that will get and keep you going.
Shakti Flow An energetic, liberating, fiery flow! Are you looking to lift your spirit, shift your energy, restore balance and light your inner fire? Then this yoga class is exactly what you need to connect or reconnect to the balancing energy of Shakti. Spiral into yourself with heat building yoga sequences, tantric breathwork, and yoga
Men’s Yoga If you are a man looking to build strength and gain flexibility, all while learning new ways to relieve tension and stress, join this class on Friday mornings. This class begins with 10 to 25 rounds of sun salutations, sequences to support you in balancing strength, agility and mobility then

Float & Soar Flow through a series of asanas and pranayama to support a sense of lightness in the body. Learn to float on your mat and use your breath to lighten your load (both physically and mentally). This class will leave you floating and soaring from your own natural high. *Not suitable for pregnancy or during menstruation.
Buti Yoga Recognize the divine feminine within. Yoga was created by men and for thousands of years was reserved only for men. Therefore, traditional yoga tends to be a very linear, masculine practice. Tap into your feminine energy by making circular movements with the body. Buti yoga is a combination of tribal dance, HIIT, and yoga. This class is led by the music, it will get warm. Let your hair down and find your tribe.
Traditional Hatha Yoga taught in the style of Sivananda Yoga. Focusing on 12 basic postures with advancements when the student is ready. This is different from a vinyasa or flow class. We warm up with the breath and sun salutations and then move through each of the poses, holding with the breath.
Free Weights Flow (Intermediate) This fusion power class will combine vinyasa flow and dumbbell weights designed to create a challenging mind-body experience. 3 sets of weights will be used in class (1,2 and 3 KG). In this
Free Weights Flow (Intro)This is a mandatory class to begin your journey of yoga with weights. In this class you will become familiar with the impact of adding weights to the practice. It will be a slow paced class focusing on proper breathing to sustain the body, how to hold the dumbbells correctly, body alignment and muscle engagement.

Strong Flow Postures are sequenced to flow together connecting body to breath. In this dynamic class, you will gain core strength, develop focus and build stamina. Above all, this class invites you to move like you. To intuitively listen to what your body needs in the present moment.
Gentle FlowA soothing class that focuses on easing the body into different postures in order to calm the mind. In this class you will flow in and out of postures slowly, with strong focus on safe alignment, and breath. Over time, your body will develop strength, mindfulness and flexibility. This class is ideal for those new to yoga or wanting to slow down and connect inwards.
Reflect & Release This class will consist of restorative postures, pranayama, and writing as meditation. Begin our practice by opening the body to allow your emotions to surface. Then you will exercise the breath to build awareness in order to observe your emotions. Finally, you will put your emotions down on paper as a meditative tool to release your emotions. This class is inherently meditative and encourages quiet self-reflection, compassion
MeditationCalm your mind, settle your body and find a softer focus to your day. Meditation will enhance every aspect of your life. It will greatly benefit your yoga practice because more awareness of our breath expands the quality and experience of our yoga practice. Meditation will deepen your connection to Spirit and manifest abundant happiness and peace in your life. Think of meditation as food for the brain that nourishes our brains to be healthy, vibrant and at ease.
Yin YogaEnjoy the feelings of rejuvenation and steadiness that arise from a Yin Yoga practice as you slow down, move from noise to silence, from agitation to calm, from complexity to simplicity. This practice integrates the ancient Yoga teachings with Meridian Theory as taught in Chinese Medicine. The long meditative postures are used to strengthen the body and relax the mind. Students will sit deeply in poses that will target the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine, all while allowing the thoughts; feelings and emotions flow through their bodies and releasing them. Yin Yoga opens up these deep, dense, rarely touched areas.
Aerial yoga Aerial yoga gets you off the mat and into the air using aerial silks (hammock) as the class prop. Aerial yoga, like most floor classes, gives you an opportunity to gain balance and strength. Using the hammock as a prop can support you in holding or even lengthening through a poses to create depth in your practice. The hammock is also a gentle way for you to invert allowing your body to gain all the benefits of being upside down without the stress. This class also has a bit of a circus elements to it so get ready to play. Let go and try something new!

Vinyasa Flow A dynamic flow-based class connecting
Restorative YogaThis is a restful and calming class that includes breathing, passive and supported poses. In restorative, props are used to allow the body to fully achieve each pose comfortably. This class is perfect for those looking for a gentler practice, new to yoga or those who need a change of pace. This class is also appropriate for those working with injuries, limited mobility.
New Teacher ClassEvery week a new teacher from the yoga community will have an opportunity to teach at Tru3 Yoga studio to gain experience and hours after graduating from teacher training. This will also give students at Tru3 Yoga an opportunity to attend a unique class each week.
Yoga For KidsIntroducing and guiding children through their own yoga journey using fun tools like song, dance and games. Plant the seed of balance between mental and physical at an early age to ensure a child’s quality of life will blossom.
Being Tru3 is being your authentic self and connecting the 3; mind, body and soul. Tru3 Yoga officially opens their doors on the 17th of March. Find them on Instagram @tru3yoga to learn more.