The campaign currently taking the world by storm has reached Kuwait. Girl Rising is a global initiative which aims to unite girls, women, boys and men who believe that every girl has the right to go to school and the right to reach her full potential. Research has indicated a strange global phenomenon…there are 33 million fewer girls than boys in primary school worldwide as girls around the world face barriers to education that boys do not.
Removing the barriers, such as early-marriage and domestic slavery and spreading awareness that educated girls stand up for their own rights, marry and have children later in life, educate their children and families and continue the education cycle, means that communities are better able to thrive. Awareness is being spread through film screenings and screening guides as well as curriculum within schools.
The film is soon screening in Kuwait, and locals and expats alike are spreading the message to bring transformative change to the lives of many, and has already screened in Dubai.
Get on board this worthy campaign by taking a picture of yourself with the words “Girl Rising” somewhere, and spread it through your social media using the #girlrisingkwt.