Fantasy World, your destination for toys and everything you need for playtime, marked Breast Cancer Awareness Month in their store by getting the whole family involved! October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. According to the World Health Organization, it is the most common cancer among women. Sadly, it still claims the lives of over half a million women every year. Thanks to the campaign many women’s cancer is being detected earlier, receive better treatment, and their odds of recovery are much higher. The pink ribbon is instantly recognizable as an international symbol of breast cancer awareness.
Fantasy World has been actively supporting the Breast Cancer Awareness movement for the last couple of years by doing various in-store activities. This year, Fantasy World came up with a heart-warming plan to encourage moms to take better care of themselves and get regular checkups and mammograms. Afterall, early detection is one of the best ways a woman can protect herself.
Fantasy World gave their little customers greeting cards to draw something special. “My World is better when you are good, momma! Please take care” was already printed on the cards. Making sure that moms know how important they are to their children is a great way to remind them that they need to take care of themselves too.
The two-day event was well received and thoroughly enjoyed by kids and their parents. Pink ribbons were distributed to all the participants, which is an iconic symbol of the continuing work that is being done to end breast cancer. And to make an already charming event even more so, Freddy Wonderman, Fantasy World’s mascot made a special appearance. Store visitors always love seeing and interacting with him.
Children poured their heart and soul in the cards by drawing adorable and meaningful pictures. Older children wrote beautiful messages that reflected how much their mothers meant to them. Innocent words coupled with genuine zeal to impress their mother shined through in every card.
The event was a great way to start the conversation going and to fight the stigma against breast cancer. We hope that kids’ natural curiosity will lead them towards a better understanding of breast cancer and other diseases so they can better support others in this ongoing fight.
To learn more about Fantasy World, visit any of Fantasy World’s social media platforms: Instagram @Fantasyworldtoys, Facebook @FantasyWorldToysKuwait and YouTube: Fantasyworld Kuwait.